Hi Practitioners!

Thank you for your interest in working with us here a Workshop Number 29 to host an event, we appreciate your enthusiasm and commitment to sharing your skills.

What To Do Next?

Please follow the steps below to complete your booking.


  1. View the package options and available dates
  2. Review FAQs and T&Cs
  3. Select package and date
  4. Pay for your slot
  5. Fill out event details form
  6. Arrange a mutually convenient time to for Workshop Number 29 to photograph you and your samples
  7. Confirm that all details on the listing are correct
  8. Promote your event
  9. Provide guest list

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. Any delay in payment or providing necessary information may affect your booking status.

Please Go To The Package Page to Check All Available Dates


Autumn 2024 Available Slots

  • Sunday September 22nd 9am - 11am (BOOKED)
  • Sunday September 29th 9am - 11am
  • Sunday October 6th 9am - 11am
  • Sunday October 13th 9am - 11am
  • Sunday October 20th 9am - 11am (BOOKED)
  • Sunday November 10th 9am - 11am (BOOKED)
  • Sunday November 17th 9 - 11am
  • Wednesday November 20th 7pm - 9pm (BOOKED)
  • Sunday November 24th 9am - 11am
  • Wednesday November 27th 7pm - 9pm (BOOKED)
  • Wednesday December 4th 7pm - 9pm (BOOKED)
  • Wednesday December 11th 7pm - 9pm (BOOKED)
  • Wednesday December 18th 7pm - 9pm (BOOKED)

Spring 2025

Spring Workshop Dates will be made available when booking opens in November 2024.

Summer 2025

Summer Workshop Dates will be made available when booking opens in February 2025.

First Come, First Served.

All workshop dates need to be confirmed by Workshop Number 29.

Please note that your date will only be confirmed once payment has been received.

If the dates and times advertised don't work with your schedule please reach out to us.

  • Basic Package

    2 hour 30 minutes

    Please read the information carefully as there is no marketing support included in this package.

  • Premium Package

    3 hours

    Please read the information carefully as in this package the practitioner will need to handle their own bookings.

  • Elite Package

    3 hours

    Please read the information carefully as in this package Workshop Number 29 will handle the bookings but VAT is payable on all ticket prices.


Event Hire Additional Services

Signwritten A-Frame

Get a custom A-frame sign by local artist Hand Lettering Folk to promote your event outside our shop during opening hours.

Add to Cart

Terms & Conditions

Please review the Terms and Conditions before paying for the event space hire fee. Once payment is made, all Terms and Conditions will apply. Adhering to the specified timeframe is crucial; failure to do so may affect your booking and incur additional charges. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.



I have an idea for a workshop but I'm not sure if It will work in your space?

Please drop us an email via the contact page with a workshop outline and we can discuss it.

Where will the workshop take place?

Currently we hold all of our workshops on the shop floor. We have a 3m x 2m drapers table which we clear for practitioners and guests, we also have another area which is more suitable for a talk.

Will the shop be open during my workshop?

The shop remains closed during the workshop. If customers approach the front door (it happens) we will direct them to our later opening time.

How many people can fit into the space?

The answer to this really depends on the type of activity. However, the main workshop table can host upto 14 guests. We can advise what we think may be suitable once we know more about your workshop.

How will I get paid if you are handling my bookings?

After the workshop you will need to issue an invoice to us (hello@workshopnumber29.co.uk) with the agreed amount. We will then pay you within 2 weeks.

What facilities are available?

Electric, water, toilet, Spotify.

*currently no kitchen or disabled toilet.

If you need something specific, please let us know at point of booking.

I need a private space, is this available?

We have plans to develop a more private dedicated space but this won’t be available until later in the year.

Do you have a screen to project?

We have an antique linen dressing screen which is available for use as a projector screen.

My workshop is messy, do I need to provide protection?

Please discuss this at point of booking and refer to T & Cs

Are any discounts available for my guests?

Both you and your guests are able to access a 10% discount when shopping on the day. Please share this with your guests when introducing yourself and the space.

Do I need my own insurance?

You will need to provide your own public liability insurance, please see T & Cs.

Can I leave my materials at the shop?

You are welcome to drop off materials for your workshop while you park and similarly at the end of your workshop any prior delivery of materials will need to be discussed in advance.

Is smoking/vaping allowed?

No smoking or vaping inside the shop


The front door to the shop is the one and only Fire Exit. There are fire extinguishers and appropriate smoke alarms fitted.

There is a step at the front of the shop.

All spillages must be wiped up by the practitioner and appropriate risk management undertaken in line with the shop risk assessement.

Before Events


Will you handle my booking?

We can handle your bookings if you select the Elite Package but please note that all ticket sales/bookings taken by Workshop Number 29 will be subject to VAT.

What if a customer wants to book in the shop but I have opted for the Premium Package?

We suggest allowing us to take your booking in this instance rather than letting a potential booking walk out of the door, we can encourage customers to book directly with you but sometimes they prefer to book on the spot. Please note that all ticket sales/bookings taken by Workshop Number 29 will be subject to VAT.

How will we/ should you advertise the workshops?

Please refer to the package that you have chosen.

We will do our best to support you with marketing your workshop by listings in the shop, talking about it, sharing photos and videos on our social media channels and in the shop but please be aware it is your business and responsibility to fill your workshop.

What content do I need to list and promote my workshop?

As much as possible!

Once we have received a confirmed booking from you, we will arrange a time that is mutually convenient for you to pop into the shop for one of the workshop team to photograph and video you at work/making, your tools etc.

If it is not possible for you to pop in i.e. that you live too far away, we will ask you to send some samples in the post that we can photograph.

You will need a minimum of 8-10 good quality images and various video clips to promote your event.

The uptake is slower than I'd like, What should I do?

We are committed to helping promote your workshop and want it to be a huge success. However, the primary responsibility for promotion lies with you.

We have found that the most effective strategy includes an initial push on your main social media channels, followed by a steady drip-feed of content leading up to your workshop. Using Instagram Stories with video content in the week before the event is particularly effective. We will also promote workshops generally, and we will specifically mention your workshop on Instagram. Tag us @workshopnumber29, and we will gladly share your stories.

Based on our experience, we recommend the following schedule:

  • Instagram Posts: 1-2 times a week
  • Instagram Stories: 3-5 times a week, including a mix of photos and videos

Can I use the images taken by Workshop Number 29?

Yes, you can use the images taken by Workshop Number 29. We will share the photographs with you via Google Drive for promoting your workshop here at Number 29. However, as per our terms and conditions, these images are only to be used for promoting sessions at Workshop Number 29 and are not permitted for use in promoting your work elsewhere.

What if I need to cancel my workshop?

If you need to cancel your workshop, please refer to the cancellation policy in our Terms and Conditions. Depending on when you cancel, different fees may apply:

  • Cancellation within 4 weeks or less before the event date: 100% of the full hire fee.
  • Cancellation within 4 to 6 weeks before the event date: 80% of the full hire fee.
  • Cancellation within 6 to 12 weeks before the event date: 70% of the full hire fee.

Please inform us as soon as possible to avoid higher cancellation fees. If there is an emergency on the scheduled date, notify us by no later than 7:00 AM.

Can I bring my children? dog?

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions regarding bringing children or pets:

  • Children: Bringing children to the event space depends on the nature of the workshop and safety considerations. Please inform us in advance if you plan to bring children, and we will let you know if it's suitable.
  • Dogs: Pets, including dogs, are generally not permitted in the event space to ensure the safety and comfort of all attendees. If you have special circumstances, please contact us to discuss further.

Feel free to reach out for specific guidance based on your workshop’s requirements.

On The Day


How should I manage the 'Guest List'?

  • If Workshop Number 29 is handling the bookings a guest list will be shared with the practitioner the day before the event and if the practitioner is handling the bookings then they must provide Workshop Number 29 with the same. Workshop Number 29 Ltd requires attendee information for emergency and administrative purposes.
  • It is imperative that the practitioner takes a register at the start of the event to prevent any confusion between no shows or guests that my try to obtain an additional ticket without payment. This ensures the safety and integrity of the workshop environment.
  • Ensure that the number of guests does not exceed the total number stated in the Event Hire Agreement.
  • The practitioner is also responsible for monitoring attendees on the event day to prevent any unauthorized individuals from attending.

Will someone help me to unload and set up?

Assistance with unloading can be arranged. Please inform Workshop Number 29 Ltd in advance if help is needed. Setting up the workshop is the practitioner's responsibility and no help will be provided.

How should I deal with my guests' tardiness, no-shows or last-minute cancellations?

We have communicated on our booking pages that payments will not be refunded under any circumstances. This policy is in place to protect your rights and efforts in securing the booking.

For further clarification or discussion on special conditions, please feel free to contact Workshop Number 29 directly.

My workshop is messy, do I need to provide protection?

If your workshop tends to get messy, it's important to consider providing protection to maintain the cleanliness and safety of the space. Taking these precautions ensures a positive experience for everyone involved.

Please note that any damages to stock or equipment must be paid for in full.

Can I play my own musics?

Certainly! You are welcome to play your own music during your workshop at Workshop Number 29. Just ensure that the volume is appropriate and considerate of others in the space.

Will there be water available for my guests?

Unfortunately, we do not provide water on-site. However, we recommend nearby options for beverages: Orchard Lane for coffee and juice, Docker or John Dory for drinks, and the Village Shop for water. These locations are conveniently located nearby for your guests' refreshment needs.

What time can I set up?

You are welcome to begin setting up at 8:30 AM for morning events or 6:30 PM for evening events. Please arrive at these times as we need to open the shop beforehand to ensure a smooth setup process without disruptions.

How quickly do I need to pack away?

After your workshop concludes, we kindly request that you pack away within 15 minutes. This allows us enough time to reopen or close the shop within 30 minutes and ensures that our products and decorations are restored to their original places.

Where can I park?

You have several options for parking:

  • There are parking spaces available in front of the shops and along the beach.
  • Additional parking can be found on Wilberforce Road, Castle Road, or Gough Road, which offer more spaces nearby.

Can I bring food and drink for my guests?

Unfortunately, bringing food and drink for your guests is not permitted at Workshop Number 29. We kindly ask that you adhere to this policy during your event. If you have any specific dietary or refreshment needs, please let us know in advance so we can assist you in making alternative arrangements.

Will you take the photos of the workshop?

Yes, we will take photos of the workshop for you. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for details regarding the use of these photos.

My guest broke the products in the shop, what should I do?

If a guest accidentally breaks products in the shop during your workshop, please notify Workshop Number 29 Ltd immediately. You may be responsible for compensating for the damaged items as per our Terms and Conditions. We will work with you to assess the damage and discuss appropriate next steps.

What if I'm unwell on the day?

If you are unwell on the day of your workshop, please notify us no later than 7:00 AM. According to our cancellation policy, no payment will be refunded in these circumstances. It is also your responsibility to inform the attendees of the cancellation which you can do so using the guest list. If Workshop Number 29 Ltd handles the bookings, we will promptly refund the payments.

Who will handle a customer complaint?

We will initially review any customer complaints. If the complaint pertains to the workshop itself, we will then pass it on to you for your attention and response.