Event Hire Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions 

1. Application For Hire

1.1. Applications will not be accepted from persons acting on behalf of a third party unless this is declared at the time of the application.

1.2. The Hirer must honestly declare and fully represent at the outset the purpose for hiring the Event Space. Any actual or apparent misrepresentation may result in immediate cancellation of the Event. 

1.3. The Hirer acknowledges that the Workshop Number 29 Ltd at 99 Sandgate High Street CT20 3BY houses a shop full of stock for sale, the safety of which is of paramount importance.  The Hirer accepts that Workshop Number 29 Ltd reserves the right to refuse any application for Hire where (in its sole opinion) it deems the Hirer’s purpose for hiring unsuitable or inappropriate for the shop.

2. Hirer’s Use of Event Space

2.1. The Hirer shall be responsible for ensuring that Workshop Number 29 Ltd is fully aware of the nature and details of the Hirer’s proposed use and purpose for hiring the Event Space and shall not use the Event Space for any purpose or activity other than the purpose or activity made known to Workshop Number 29 Ltd at the time of booking hire in accordance with the agreed Event Hire Agreement.

2.2. If the Event Space is used for any other purpose other than that stated in the Agreement the Company hereby reserves the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect, without liability to the Hirer and without prejudice to Workshop Number 29 Ltd’s other rights contained in these Standard Conditions of Hire.

2.3. In any event the Hirer shall not use the shop at 99 Sandgate High Street or any part of it for any activities which are dangerous, offensive, noxious, illegal, unethical or which may become a nuisance to Workshop Number 29 Ltd or any of any neighbouring property.

2.4. The Hirer, its staff and guests must only use those parts of the Event Space which are specified for use in the Agreement including only those means of access and egress as are sign posted and/or notified to the Hirer at the commencement of the Hire Period.

2.5. The Hirer and visitors are only permitted access to the back of house area for access to the toilet.  

2.6. The shop will be closed during the event however ocassionaly the general public may ignore signage and try to enter, this will be managed by Workshop Number 29 Ltd staff.

2.7. The Hirer shall notify Workshop Number 29 Ltd of the required layout of the Event Space (including but not limited to the position of furniture and equipment) at least one week prior to the Event Date.

2.8. The Hirer shall not make any alterations, attachments or additions to the layout or appearance of the Event Space or move/remove property without the prior consent of Workshop Number 29 Ltd.

2.9. The Hirer shall be responsible for providing sufficient personnel to ensure the smooth safe running of the Event (including personnel to install and remove all equipment and furniture (other than that supplied by Workshop Number 29 Ltd.) 

2.10. The times stated on the event hire agreement must be strictly adhered to. Failing to adhere to the stipulated event hire agreement times will result in incurring additional costs which shall be payable by the Hirer at Workshop Number 29 Ltd’s standard rate.

2.11. The Hirer must ensure that the number of guests at the Event do not exceed the total number of guests stated in this Event Hire Agreement Part 1. 

2.12. Workshop Number 29 Ltd is unable to permit the Hirer to use any Gallery office facilities (including but not limited to stationery, photocopiers, printers and telephones). 

2.13. The Hirer shall report any loss, theft, damages or breakages (including but not limited to damage to shop stock) to Workshop Number 29 Ltd staff upon discovery.  The Hirer must recompense any damage suffered during the Hire Period (fair wear and tear excepted).

2.14. At the end of the Hire Period the Hirer must remove all the Hirer’s equipment, furniture, personal possessions and anything brought and placed therein by the Hirer and/or its guests. 


3. Hire Fee, Other Charges and Payment Terms

3.1. The Hire Fee shall be the sum stated on the Event Hire Fee Invoice.  The Hirer will have pre-agreed which package *, ** or *** in advance, plus any extra marketing support required e.g. A-frame, reel. 

3.2. The booking is not confirmed until the Event Hire Fee invoice has been paid in full and the Event Hire Agreement has been signed.  Workshop Number 29 Ltd will invoice the Hirer for the total charges of the event.  Payment can be made directly by bank card, via the invoice sent, bank transfer is not available.  

3.3. All charges payable by the Hirer are exclusive of VAT and the Hirer shall additionally pay a sum equal to the prevailing Value Added Tax rate chargeable on the value of the supply of goods and services provided by Workshop Number 29 Ltd.  If Workshop Number 29 Ltd handles the bookings as per the *** package, all ticket prices will be subject to VAT & 3.5 % transaction fee.  


4. Event Advertising and Publicity

4.1. The Hirer must declare in full the specific means by which tickets are to be sold.  

4.2. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to promote the Event and Workshop Number 29 ltd will support this process in accordance with the package selected by the Hirer. 

4.3.  In order for Workshop Number 29 ltd  to aid with promotion of the Event and in accordance with the package selected, they will need a minimum of 6-10 high quality images in both landscape & portrait format and some video footage.  Workshop Number 29 will only use imagery taken by their team so an agreeable time will be arranged, once the booking has been confirmed, to photograph props, practitioner etc.

4.4..  Imagery taken by Workshop Number 29 ltd and at 99 Sandgate High Street remains the property of the company and may only be used to promote future workshops at Workshop Number 29, they may not be used to promote events at other venues or any other personal/ business uses.

4.5. Both the Hirer and the Workshop Number 29 ltd agree to use their best endeavors to work together to promote positive publicity that will support the Event. All the event details must be confirmed at least 2 weeks in advance, in accordance with policy 6.1.4.

5. Health, Safety and Security

5.1. While the Event is in progress, the Hirer shall take instructions/directions from any member of the Workshop Number 29 Ltd staff.  

5.2. The Gallery is designated as a ‘no smoking’ area and the Hirer shall use all reasonable endeavours to enforce this policy during the Hire Period.

5.3. The Hirer shall not bring any petrol, petroleum (or similar spirit), illicit or illegal substances on or into 99 Sandgate High Street. This shall be a condition of access.

5.4. The Hirer shall be responsible for maintaining the proper order and conduct of all guests attending the Event. Workshop Number 29 Ltd reserves the right to remove any person attending the Event from the premises. 

5.5. The Company reserves to itself, its staff and its authorised persons (including but not limited to police and fire officers) at all times and without liability to the Hirer the right to suspend or control in such manner and to such extent as the Company may consider necessary, any situation, action, person or event occurring during the Event, which is in breach on the part of the Hirer of the terms of this Agreement or which may constitute a danger to public safety(including the safety of the persons present at the Event) or which may cause a breach of the peace or which may be considered to be harmful, undesirable or offensive.


6. Cancellation of Booking

6.1. Workshop Number 29 Ltd reserves the right to cancel any booking (without any liability to the Hirer) if:

6.1.2. The Hirer does not pay the Event Hire Fee invoice within (7) days of its issue date.

6.1.3. The Hirer has failed to honestly disclose the purpose of the Event and the Company in its sole discretion deems the real proposed purpose inappropriate;

6.1.4. The Hirer fails to supply any reasonably requested information regarding the Event’s arrangements (including (where requested) evidence of appropriate insurances) within (14) days after the Event Hire Fee invoice is issued.

6.1.5. A Force Majeure Event arises;

6.2. If the Hirer cancels the booking after the Event Space Hire invoice has been paid, Workshop Number 29 Ltd, reserves the right to charge the Hirer the following cancellation fees:

Cancellation 4 weeks or less before the Event Date = 100% of full price hire fee.

Cancellation within 4 weeks to 6 weeks before the Event Date = 80% of full price hire fee.

Cancellation within 6 to 12 weeks of the Event Date = 70% of the balance owed

In the event of an emergency on the scheduled date, please inform us by no later than 7:00 AM. We will provide all attendees' information, and the practitioners will be responsible for notifying the attendees of the cancellation. No fees will be refunded. 


7. Insurance and Indemnity

7.1. The Hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Company and shop at 99 Sandgate High Street from and against any and all loss, damage or liability (whether criminal or civil) suffered and legal fees and costs incurred by Workshop Number 29 Ltd resulting from a breach of this Agreement by the Hirer including any act, neglect or default of the Hirer its officers, servants, agents or guests and breaches in respect of any matter arising from the Event resulting in any successful claim by any third party.

7.2. The Hirer shall effect and maintain throughout the Hire Period with one or more reputable insurers, such policy or policies of insurance as are adequate to cover its prospective liabilities in connection with this Agreement. The minimum cover per claim shall in respect of death or personal injury, be unlimited, and in respect of damage to or loss of property be £5 million per claim (in the case of a company or similar entity) or £2 million (in the case of an individual person), unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Company, and be unlimited in aggregate.

7.3. The Hirer shall at the request of Workshop Number 29 Ltd provide evidence that valid and suitable insurance policies are in place. Failing to comply with this clause 9 shall amount to a fundamental breach of this Agreement.


8. Limitation of Liability

8.1. Workshop Number 29 Ltd shall not accept any liability (whatsoever or howsoever caused) for the loss of or damage to any property or items placed  in any part of the premises by the Hirer or any person attending the Event.

8.2. In the event of the Event Space or any part thereof being rendered unfit for use for which it has been hired due to circumstances beyond Workshop Number 29 Ltd’s reasonable control the Company shall not be liable to the Hirer for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.

8.3. Workshop Number 29 Ltd shall be liable to the Hirer for consequential loss or damage, loss of revenue, loss of opportunity, loss of contractor loss of goodwill.


9. Entire Agreement 

The parties agree that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement with regard to the subject matter herein. This Agreement supersedes all understandings, representations and agreements made between the parties concerning such matters. However, neither party seeks to exclude liability for any fraudulent misrepresentation.


10. Severability

If any requirement of this Agreement is in conflict with the law or public policy such conflicting requirement shall be deemed to be severed from this Agreement and the validity of the remainder will not be affected by such severance.


11. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 

Where rights are afforded under this Agreement to Workshop Number 29 Ltd, the Company contracts both for itself and for the benefit of (but not as agent or trustee of) Workshop Number 29 Ltd shall be entitled to enforce rights conferred on it directly by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


12. Relationship of the Parties

Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a partnership between the parties or appoint either as agent for the other for any purpose whatever and neither shall have authority or power to bind the other or to contract in the name of or create liability against the other in any way or for any purpose.


13. Data Protection

The Company will comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 in relation to this Agreement. To the extent that Workshop Number 29 Ltd acts as the Hiessor, the Company will ensure that it does not process any personal data other than as instructed by the Hirer and will ensure that it has in place appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure the integrity and security of and to prevent unauthorised processing of such personal data. The terms “data processor” and “personal data” shall have the meanings given to them in the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018.


14. Force Majeure

If either party is prevented from or delayed in the performance of any of its obligations under the Agreement by any event (a “Force Majeure Event”) beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, civil commotion, war, earthquake, fire, flood, industrial action, terrorist action or political interference, then it shall notify the other party in writing of the circumstances, and shall be excused from performing those obligations for so long as the Force Majeure Event shall continue. 


15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.